“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
- Aesop
Our Story
Here at Rewired & Real we are on a mission to unlock kindness to create a positive impact on mental health—one community at a time—through our kindness initiatives and programs. Our hope is to not only empower you, but also inspire others through generosity and kindness.
What Does Rewired & Real Mean?
Rewiring oneself through love, kindness, and self-care + focusing on being our real authentic self = Rewired & Real.
My name is Kjersten, and I am the author behind the Rewired & Real story.
Many of us understand what it is like to walk through transformations and hardships in life. I have been there, and I have also watched my three sons and two step sons walk through stages of emotional hardships, depression, anxiety, being bullied, bullying others, and even suicidal thoughts.
Recently I spent a few years transforming my life. I spent countless hours going within myself to find the real person I was meant to be. Through kindness toward myself and others, I ended up rewiring my belief system and the idea of who I thought I was supposed to be. Through this time, I started living my life's purpose. As a mom to five boys, I felt a calling to help empower and inspire them to do the same. After all, these kids are our future and our best hope of a world full of kindness.
When I learned that more than 4.4 million children have been diagnosed with anxiety, and more than 2 million children have been diagnosed with depression*, I was alarmed!
This is why the Rewired & Real story exists.
We focus on empowering you (and your kids) to be kind, live authentically, and inspire others through generosity and kindness. We want to help rewire our thinking to be the real people we’re meant to be, so we can all live our life’s purpose - authentically.
We look forward to seeing your story unfold within the chapters of Rewired & Real!
Meet the Founder:
Kjersten Berard
Hello friends! I am so blessed you are here!!
Born and raised in Wisconsin, I am a total cheesehead at heart! I grew up in an amazing family and had a wonderful childhood.
I have three amazing little men in my life; they are the light of my universe and I am so blessed to be their Mama. I was married for almost 13 years to their father, Zach, and still to this day he is a very dear friend and an amazing father.
In 2019-2020, I went through a total personal transformation and change. I knew I needed to follow my soul’s calling, so I took all the knowledge and self-growth I had within me and followed my intuition. I was empowered and inspired to live my purpose. This took great courage and strength, but I held on to the vision inside me and started taking the steps that have led me to this place here and now.
Today, I have an amazing husband, Stacy, who has been such a gift to my heart and soul. He has two amazing boys, and together we have a happy and chaotic family of seven! Stacy has helped encourage and support me on the journey of building this organization to what it is today. Together we have come to a place of joy and love. My wish and hope is to spread this feeling of joy to many!
I look forward to sharing my dream with y’all. I have learned that the only thing that will make your soul happy is being happy with who you are, not with who people think you are or want you to be. We are all unique and have our own unique story to live and tell. So, tell it! We are all here to love and be loved, all while figuring out what our true soul's purpose is here on earth. Come join us!
I feel if we can help empower and inspire others by spreading love, joy, and kindness, it will make all of our journeys that much sweeter. I am beyond excited to hear all the stories that will be written within the chapters of Rewired & Real. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and make a huge impact! Thank you for being a co-author in this beautiful story!
Much Love - XO,