How Kindness Impacts Mental Health
Rewired & Real is dedicated to promoting the often-overlooked quality of kindness in today's society, with a specific focus on nurturing the social, emotional, mental, and behavioral well-being of today's youth for a brighter future.
The concept of kindness, defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, might seem simple, but its impact is profound. Beyond enhancing social relationships, kindness plays a pivotal role in improving mental and emotional health.
The Influence of Kindness on Mental Health:
Research indicates that kindness contributes to increased self-esteem, empathy, and compassion, all of which positively affect one's mood. The uplifting sensation following a kind act is attributed to changes in brain chemicals. Acts of kindness have been shown to boost serotonin and dopamine levels, key neurotransmitters associated with feelings of happiness, focus, calm, productivity, and motivation.
In instances where these chemicals are low, individuals may experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. By engaging in acts of kindness, one can raise serotonin and dopamine levels, experiencing what is commonly referred to as a "helpers high." Moreover, these chemicals play a role in stress reduction, thereby lowering the risk of prolonged stress leading to mental health issues.
Psychological Benefits of Kindness:
Beyond the chemical impact, kindness also offers psychological benefits. It provides a fresh perspective on life, diverting attention from personal problems. Kindness nurtures gratitude, empathy, and compassion, fostering a positive and supportive environment. The cultivation of these qualities reduces isolation and loneliness, creating meaningful connections with others. Engaging in acts of kindness allows individuals to participate in meaningful activities, providing a sense of purpose and context in the world.
Supporting Kindness in Children:
Parents, teachers, and other adults can play a crucial role in instilling kindness in children. Establishing a culture of kindness within the home involves teaching children to consider others rather than acting solely out of self-interest. Modeling kindness through actions is key, as children learn from the behavior of adults. Encouraging kind habits such as sharing, giving, volunteering, comforting, and supporting helps children understand the positive effects of kindness, fostering empathy and consideration for others.
Examples of Kindness:
Kindness manifests in various forms, regardless of size. For younger children, acts of kindness may include sharing toys, holding doors open, or creating and placing rocks with positive words around a nearby park. These creative endeavors inspire positivity and uplift the community's mood.
Older children can express kindness through actions like sitting with someone who is alone at lunch or participating in community cleanup initiatives. Collaborating with friends in these activities adds determination and enjoyment to the experience.
In essence, kindness, in all its forms, has a profound and lasting impact on individual well-being and the community at large. Rewired & Real remains committed to promoting kindness as a cornerstone for a healthier and more compassionate society. Won’t you join us in improving the mental health of local community through kindness!
“No act of Kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”